Tuesday, May 21, 2013

still waiting for the rains...

We were wrong! The rains haven't begun yet. We had two false starts and only hot, hot, hot temps so far. We do have some big thunder clouds building up, even as I write, but our hopes have been dashed so many times that we are afraid to get too excited. 

The first team comes in tonight and rain is forcast for the next several days...so as Murphy's Law would have it, it will probably rain...even tho' it hasn't for all the previous forcasts of rain.

We've been busy getting ready for the teams coming...washing shower curtains, moving furniture around and "Handyman Dan" has found work as well. :) There is always something that needs fixing.

Our biggest news is that we've rented a house just down the road from the Buzbees...a 10 minute walk. There are a couple of weeks when they are maxed out with people so we thought we would find a place to stay and give others our apartment. It reminds us so much of our little pink house in Thailand, but not as big. So far we have beds, curtains and a coffeemaker... the important stuff. :) We have rented it for a year so that we can keep coming back and forth...and when we aren't here, others can use it.

Our front door...

As you come down the entrance...

Rosemary working on the tiny kitchen

It has been such a blessing being here...and feels so much like home, even after only 2 weeks.


  1. Our GOD who directs every one of our steps, has something(s) REALLY IMPORTANT for Him to be done here! You bless me with your life-long willingness to 'go'!

  2. Hi,ya'll !! I finally got around to finding your blog, and am so glad to be able to keep up with you! I adore the little house, and am glad you-all will have your own space. Rented it for a year, eh? Hmmmmmmm.....

    Hope you get rain soon, and that things continue to flow smoothly. I think of you every day and send mucho hugs!

    I'm busy cleaning our screened porch, which can be Carter's play space now that we're inundated by mosquitoes and yellow flies, yecchh.
    We do plan to get a screen tent to put outside, though, as that's really where he wants to be. We'll be sure to place it where the hose will reach. I introduced him to the sprinkler, and he went wild with delight. I'll do it again today while Bob's here, will post pics on facebook soon.

    I'm going to see Chris June 2-7, just 'cuz, and because she's having outpatient surgery, to implant the "pacemaker", so to speak, for her bladder. (to help it empty more completely).

    Love you all so much!

  3. Just now seeing this post. Love seeing the photos of the house! It is super cute!! Sounds like you guys are having a blast! I know you are being a blessing!
    Love to you three little pegs, and all the rest of our friends Nica-way!
    P & C
