First of all, we would like to apologize for not up-dating this blog for quite some time. We have been busy with boat building and teaching and just learning how to live in this amazing place!
We have the most beautiful sunrises in's a great way to start the day! For the past several weeks, it seems like everday something amazing happens.
We have had to stop work again on Caribbean Grace because of lack of funds, but the Lord hasn't stopped working in amazing ways. We've made much progress in formulating the purpose and mission of the project.
Sunrise over Bluefields Bay... |
Dr. Palacios, a dentist, and Dr. Tellez, a family practice M.D. |
These two doctors are interested in helping Dan build a local team of medical professionals to serve. We are also hoping to connect with the nursing and medical programs here in Bluefields to get the young people out into the communities. There is so much need even in the areas close to Bluefields.
Together with the leadership of our local church, Verbo, we have seen the importance of using local people for ministering to the communities up the rivers. We are very excited about the possibilities... getting medical personnel, young people, church workers reaching out to their own.
Santiago and Oscar, the builders |
Over the past year, these men have been invaluable. Dan has had many lively discussions with them on the specific design specifications of this boat and the ways to make the changes that will make her more useful.
Marvin, the fisherman, weaving a castnet. He is one of the first people Dan met when we came to Bluefields. He's given a lot of good advice and when it was time to work on getting a tender for "Caribbean Grace", Dan went to Marvin to see if he had something. |
Marvin and the Panga he plans to re-fit for fishing on the bay |
The 20' dory Dan purchased from Marvin to rebuild as a tender for "Caribbean Grace". This will used to transport people and supplies from the shore to "Caribbean Grace" at her mooring. |
Santiago with the rebuilt dory. Quite a tranformation!
Complete with a non-slip deck! |
This boat will also be used for youth outings on the bay, taking the kids at Barnabas House (the Verbo Church's children's home) fishing on the bay or crossing the bay for a day at the beach. Dan also wants to learn how to sail this craft, using a local sail rig.
We would like to know if any of you want to be added to our newsletter mailing list. We try to get one out every quarter. If so, please e-mail us at and send us your mailing address.
Additional funding needed to complete construction of "Caribbean Grace":
Two 75 H.P. Yamaha outboard engines.....$13,600.
Finish the interior fit-out.................................8,000.
Sails, rigging, safety equipment......................5,000.
If you would like to help financially, you can write a check made out to Global Outreach with Letton Account #1056 written at the bottom and send it to:
Global Outreach International
P.O. Box 1
Tupelo, MS 38802
We would appreciate any comments or feed-back.
We greatly value your prayers and support.
Dan and Donna Letton