Thursday, October 31, 2013


Our group heading out from the dock at 6 a.m. ... 11 pastors, representing a total of 22 pastors from different churches in Bluefields. The churches ranged from Baptist to Catholic and all in-between. We were going to be going 1 1/2 hours down the river to the small town of Orinoco. We each had such a sense of expectation...

Early morning on the river...

Donna being introduced to the president of the region. She is of African decent and proudly wears the beautiful outfits and fabrics. She is a strong believer and has done much for the region since she was elected.

The students and guests marched from the school to the field where the celebration was to take place. 

They had drums and majorettes and marching groups...

After the cultural performances ... poems, songs, dances, marches ... we marched around the entire town and many of us took it as an opportunity for prayer for them and the whole region.
We got back into the seating area and they had set up for a governmental session meeting. They called the roll of all the delegates and then shared that the purpose of this session was to declare that Jesus Christ was the Lord over their lives, their families and the whole South Atlantic Autonomous Region of Nicaragua.

After this declaration one of the pastors lead us in a song of are all the delegates singing and raising their hands in praise to God. 

Bishop Paul lead us in a closing prayer. He has been in Nicaragua and mostly on the east coast for 47 years. He started out in Orinoco but hadn't been back for 35 years. It was so sweet to see so many older people remember him and hug his neck.

Here we are with the president...what a time we think that an area of a country would make such a public declaration that Jesus is Lord has to be a least in modern history. We felt so honored to be there and to witness this historic event.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Jesus is Lord!!

I know I haven't posted pix from our up-river trip yet, but I have to tell you about this first. 

Tomorrow morning...5 a.m. again...Dan and I are traveling about 1 1/2 hours up the river to a town called Orinoco with Ed, the pastor we are working with and several other pastors and government officials.

The purpose of this trip is to declare that "Jesus is Lord over the South Atlantic Autonomous Region of Nicaragua". Tomorrow is the 26th anniversary of the establishment of their Autonomous Region and this is one of the official events to celebrate the day.

Ed's wife, Ligia, said tonight that it is very interesting that they would choose this town for this ceremony because there is a lot of witchcraft in the area.

Can you believe that a government in our day and age is willing to make such a declaration? We are so excited and blessed to be able to be a part of this and are looking forward to the days to come...certainly this will make waves in the heavenlies.

Ed and Dan at the docks this morning...checking out the local boats.

Just down from the docks...

Thursday, October 24, 2013

an up-river trip planned...

After 3 days of hard rain, we are hoping for some clearer weather for the weekend... A tremendous opportunity has opened up for us to go up-river with a group of local medical people. This is a work of the Moravian Church in Bluefields...they have been here since the 1800's. They go every other month and God had us here and got us connected to them just in time for this trip...

We need to be at the dock at 5:00 a.m. Friday to board a panga... a 24' long, 5' wide open speed boat that can carry 20 people. We will be going to several villages up the Matagalpa River. It will take 5 hours to get to the first village. We were told to bring water and food for 3 days and to be prepared to sleep on the floor, hopefully in a mosquito repellant, mosquito nets, and rubber boots, and of course there will be no bathrooms. I think this will be the Nicaraguan version of primitive camping.

We have some specific prayer requests:
  • for good weather (the weather station says 60% rain through Monday)
  • Donna has a bad cold and Dan has some intestinal problems...please pray we will both be feeling great by Friday a.m. 
  • that we will be able to really be a help
I'm putting a couple of pictures in from a friend of ours to help give you an idea of what we will probably be seeing and the type of boat we will be taking. We will be gone from Friday morning through Sunday afternoon.

Thanks so much for lifting us up... Dan and donna

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

after a only a week in Bluefields...

It is hard to believe that we have only been in Bluefields a week... we feel so at home.
In case you haven't seen our facebook posts, let me fill you in on what we are doing...
Managua is directly west of Bluefields 

We are locating in Bluefields, Nicaragua , to establish a medical missions project using a sailboat to travel along the coast and up the rivers where there are no roads connecting the people. In fact, the "roads" are rivers...many small and several of good size that run into the Carribean. We will use these waterways as a means to reach many who live in isolated villages with little or no medical care.

Bluefields is the main town on the southern half of Nicaragua's east coast. We are living with a local pastor and his wife in their guesthouse. It is a great situation for us...we have an instant connection with the community and are hoping that our project will be under the covering his church, Verbo Bluefields.

  • We have been able to meet with the director of the Ministry of Health and he seems very willing to work with us.
  • Dan has met with local boatbuilders and has been given several options for procuring a boat:
  •  build one out of fiberglass
  • build one with plywood brought in from the States (the plywood here is not good for long term use)
  • and not last or seems they have a catamaran that someone left here several years ago. We just need to find it and check it out.
  • Dan is meeting today with a doctor who does go out to villages. She told a friend that her husband is going out this weekend and we can go with him if we want. This is a really important part of our find out just what is needed and where is the greatest need.
Thank you for your prayers...we really need and value them, especially in this beginning stage.

Sunset out our window...