Our group heading out from the dock at 6 a.m. ... 11 pastors, representing a total of 22 pastors from different churches in Bluefields. The churches ranged from Baptist to Catholic and all in-between. We were going to be going 1 1/2 hours down the river to the small town of Orinoco. We each had such a sense of expectation...
Early morning on the river...
Donna being introduced to the president of the region. She is of African decent and proudly wears the beautiful outfits and fabrics. She is a strong believer and has done much for the region since she was elected.
The students and guests marched from the school to the field where the celebration was to take place.
They had drums and majorettes and marching groups...
After the cultural performances ... poems, songs, dances, marches ... we marched around the entire town and many of us took it as an opportunity for prayer for them and the whole region.
We got back into the seating area and they had set up for a governmental session meeting. They called the roll of all the delegates and then shared that the purpose of this session was to declare that Jesus Christ was the Lord over their lives, their families and the whole South Atlantic Autonomous Region of Nicaragua.
After this declaration one of the pastors lead us in a song of worship...here are all the delegates singing and raising their hands in praise to God.
Bishop Paul lead us in a closing prayer. He has been in Nicaragua and mostly on the east coast for 47 years. He started out in Orinoco but hadn't been back for 35 years. It was so sweet to see so many older people remember him and hug his neck.
Here we are with the president...what a time we had...to think that an area of a country would make such a public declaration that Jesus is Lord has to be a first...at least in modern history. We felt so honored to be there and to witness this historic event.